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Immigration & Foreigners Law and Consultancy Services in Istanbul and Throughout Turkey

Turkish Immigration Lawyers
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CKAY Law Firm specializes in immigration to Turkey, offering expert legal guidance on residence, work permits, and citizenship with personalized support.

Immigration & Foreigners Law and Consultancy Services in Istanbul and Throughout Turkey

Introduction to CKAY’s Immigration & Foreigners Law and Consultancy Services

Nestled in the vibrant heart of Istanbul, CKAY Law Firm stands as a beacon of legal excellence, offering unmatched consultancy and robust solutions to individuals, small businesses, and corporate clients across Turkey.

  • Our mission is clear: to provide comprehensive, client-centered legal services that address the myriad legal challenges faced by our diverse clientele.

With our roots deeply embedded in Istanbul’s dynamic legal sector, CKAY has emerged as a trusted name, renowned for delivering high-quality, reliable, and creative legal outcomes.

Understanding Immigration & Foreigners Law

Immigration and Foreigners Law encompasses the rules and regulations that govern the entry, stay, and exit of non-citizens within a country.

In Turkey, this area of law is governed by a complex framework of statutes, regulations, and international agreements, all designed to manage the flow of people across its borders while safeguarding national interests.

Key Legal Frameworks and Regulations

  • Law on Foreigners and International Protection (LFIP): This law regulates the entry, stay, and exit of foreigners, international protection, and the implementation of Turkey’s immigration policies.
  • Turkish Citizenship Law: This governs the acquisition and loss of Turkish citizenship, setting forth the criteria and procedures for naturalization.
  • Work Permits of Foreigners Law: This regulates the employment of foreign nationals in Turkey, detailing the types of work permits available and the application processes.

Common Misconceptions and Clarifications

  • Misconception: Only permanent residents can work in Turkey.
    • Clarification: Foreigners with valid work permits, including short-term residents, can legally work in Turkey.
  • Misconception: All foreigners need a visa to enter Turkey.
    • Clarification: Citizens of certain countries can enter Turkey visa-free for short stays.

Immigration Law not only facilitates the legal entry and residence of foreign nationals but also ensures that their rights and duties are clearly defined and protected under Turkish Law.

As Turkey continues to be a key destination for international business and tourism, understanding these legal frameworks is crucial for both individuals and corporations (especially HR).

Immigration & Foreigners Law and Consultancy Services in Istanbul and Throughout Turkey

Types of Immigration & Foreigners Law Services Provided by CKAY in Turkey

At CKAY Law Firm, we offer a comprehensive suite of services to address every aspect of Immigration and Foreigners Law. Our services include but are not limited to:

Residence Permits

Residence permits are essential for foreigners who are wishing to live in Turkey for extended periods. CKAY Law Firm assists clients in obtaining various types of residence permits tailored to their specific needs.

  • Short-term or Touristic Residence Permits: These permits are ideal for tourists, business travelers, and students. They are typically issued for up to six months.
  • Long-term Residence Permits: These permits are for those who will stay and legally reside in Turkey for at least a year. They have to be renewed each year. They offer more stability and fewer bureaucratic requirements. Foreigners can apply for Turkish citizenship after eight years.
  • Family Residence Permits: For family members of Turkish citizens or foreigners holding a valid residence permit, facilitating family reunification and ensuring the family’s legal stay.

Work Permits

Securing a work permit is a critical step for foreigners intending to work in Turkey. Our legal team guides clients through the intricacies of obtaining the right type of work permit based on their employment status and job type.

  • Types of Work Permits: These include temporary work permits, permanent work permits, independent work permits, and the Turquoise Card, which provides enhanced rights similar to those permanent residents enjoy.
  • Application Process: This involves securing a job offer, ensuring the employer submits the necessary application, and obtaining the required approvals from the Ministry of Labor and Social Security. We assist in every step to streamline the process.

Turkish Citizenship Applications

Obtaining Turkish citizenship offers numerous benefits, including the right to vote, work without restrictions, and easier travel within the country. CKAY Law Firm provides comprehensive support throughout the Turkish citizenship application process.

  • Eligibility Criteria: Candidates must have resided in Turkey for at least eight years, demonstrate financial stability, have no criminal record, and be proficient in the Turkish language.
  • Application Procedure: We help clients gather and submit the required documents to the Directorate General of Civil Registration and Citizenship Affairs.
  • Dual Citizenship Considerations: Turkey allows dual citizenship, but it is essential to understand other countries’ laws to ensure compatibility.

Deportation and Legal Remedies

Deportation can be a daunting experience. CKAY Law Firm provides robust defense strategies to protect clients’ rights and prevent deportation when possible.

  • Grounds For Deportation: These can include illegal stay, involvement in criminal activities, or posing a threat to public order.
  • Legal Assistance: We offer legal representation, appeal deportation orders, and provide defense strategies to ensure the best possible outcome for our clients.

Refugee and Asylum Procedures

Our law firm offers comprehensive legal support to those seeking refuge and protection in Turkey, helping them navigate the complex asylum process.

  • Rights and Protections: Ensuring the safety and humane treatment of asylum seekers and refugees, and advocating for their legal rights.
  • Application Process: Assistance with filing applications, preparing for interviews, securing refugee status, and ensuring clients understand their rights and obligations.

Immigration & Foreigners Law and Consultancy Services in Istanbul and Throughout Turkey

Practical Advice and Tips

Tips For Applicants

  • Understand The Requirements: Ensure you meet all the criteria for the type of permit or Turkish citizenship you are applying for. Gather all necessary documents beforehand to avoid delays.
  • Plan Ahead: Start the application process early to account for any unforeseen delays. Some permits can take several months to process.
  • Seek Professional Guidance: Consulting with an experienced immigration lawyer or a consultant can greatly increase the chances of a successful application. They can help navigate the complexities of the process and ensure all requirements are met.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

  • Incomplete Applications: Missing information or documents is one of the most common reasons for application delays or rejections. Double-check your application before submission.
  • Ignoring Deadlines: Be aware of and adhere to all deadlines. Missing a deadline can result in application denial or deportation.
  • Not Updating Information: If your personal circumstances change, such as your address or employment status, inform the relevant authorities immediately.

Best Practices

  • Stay Informed: Immigration Laws and regulations can change frequently. Stay updated on any changes that might affect your application.
  • Maintain Communication: Keep in regular contact with your immigration lawyer and follow their advice throughout the process.
  • Be Honest: Provide truthful and accurate information in all your applications. Any false information can lead to serious legal consequences and/or deportation.

Preparation Checklists

Residence Permit Application

  • Valid passport,
  • Proof of financial stability,
  • Health insurance,
  • Proof of residence in Turkey (such as rental contracts),
  • Completed application form.

Work Permit Application

  • Employment contract or job offer letter,
  • Employer’s application documents,
  • Proof of qualifications,
  • Valid residence permit.

Turkish Citizenship Application

  • Proof of residency in Turkey for the required period (non-stop for 5 years),
  • Financial statements,
  • Health insurance,
  • Proof of residence in Turkey (such as rental contracts),
  • Police clearance certificate,
  • Language proficiency certificate,
  • Birth certificate and other personal identification documents.

Immigration & Foreigners Law and Consultancy Services in Istanbul and Throughout Turkey

Role of an Immigration & Foreigners Law Lawyer

An Immigration and Foreigners Law lawyer plays a critical role in guiding clients through the intricate maze of legal requirements and procedures. At CKAY Law Firm, our legal experts provide:

  • Legal Representation and Advocacy: Our lawyers represent clients in legal proceedings and negotiations with government authorities, ensuring their rights are protected and their cases are effectively presented.
  • Documentation and Application Assistance: We ensure all paperwork is accurate and complete to avoid delays or rejections, providing meticulous attention to detail throughout the application process.
  • Navigating Bureaucratic Procedures: We help clients understand and comply with the legal requirements, reducing the complexity of the process and making it more manageable for clients.
  • Ensuring Compliance with Legal Requirements: We advise clients on maintaining legal status and adhering to the conditions of their residence or work permits, preventing legal issues down the line.

CKAY Law Firm’s Expertise in Immigration & Foreigners Law

CKAY Law Firm is renowned for its expertise in Immigration and Foreigners Law, and it is backed by a team of experienced English-speaking lawyers who are dedicated to achieving the best outcomes for our clients. Our unique approach and proven success stories distinguish us in the competitive legal landscape.

Overview of Experience and Success Stories

Over the years, we have successfully assisted numerous clients in securing residence and work permits, acquiring Turkish citizenship, and navigating the asylum process.

Unique Approach and Methodology

Our approach is deeply rooted in understanding each client’s specific needs and crafting personalized legal strategies to address them effectively. We combine our legal expertise with a client-focused methodology to provide practical and innovative solutions.

Immigration & Foreigners Law and Consultancy Services in Istanbul and Throughout Turkey

Our Comprehensive Immigration & Foreigners Law Consultancy Services in Turkey

We offer a full spectrum of services designed to support our clients at every stage of the immigration process.

Initial Consultation and Legal Assessment

A thorough initial consultation to understand the client’s needs and assess their legal situation. This step allows us to provide tailored advice and outline the best legal strategies moving forward.

Personalized Legal Strategies

Developing tailored strategies that address the client’s unique circumstances and goals. Each plan is crafted to ensure the most effective and efficient resolution of the client’s immigration issues.

Continuous Support and Updates

Providing ongoing support and keeping clients informed throughout the process. We ensure that clients are updated on their case progress and any changes in immigration laws or procedures.

Post-Application Services and Follow-up

Assisting with any post-application requirements and ensuring compliance with legal conditions. Our legal services extend beyond the initial application to provide continuous support and guidance.

Immigration & Foreigners Law and Consultancy Services in Istanbul and Throughout Turkey

Why Choose CKAY Law Firm?

CKAY Law Firm is committed to providing unparalleled legal services characterized by professionalism, expertise, and a client-centered approach.

Professionalism and Expertise

Our legal team is comprised of highly skilled English-speaking lawyers with extensive experience in Immigration and Foreigners Law. We combine deep legal knowledge with practical experience to deliver the best outcomes for our clients.

Client-Centered Approach

We prioritize our clients’ needs and work diligently to achieve their goals. Our client-centered approach ensures that each case is handled with the utmost care and attention to detail.

Commitment to Ethical Practices

We uphold the highest standards of ethical practice, ensuring transparency and integrity in all our dealings. Our commitment to ethics fosters trust and confidence among our clients.

Commitment to Client Education

At CKAY Law Firm, an informed client is empowered. Our commitment to client education is an integral part of our service philosophy, ensuring that our clients fully understand their legal options and the implications of their choices.

One-on-One Consultations

  • Personalized Advice: During one-on-one consultations, our lawyers take the time to explain legal concepts in plain language, ensuring that clients understand their rights and obligations. We encourage clients to ask questions and seek clarification on any aspect of their case.

By prioritizing client education, CKAY Law Firm ensures that clients are well-equipped to make informed decisions and actively participate in their legal processes. This dedication to education fosters trust, transparency, and a collaborative approach to achieving the best possible outcomes.

Legal Protection
Defending your rights, securing your future. Expert legal protection when it matters the most.
We Take Care
Your legal needs are our commitment. Committed to caring for your every legal need.
Your Privacy
Privacy First: your confidence, our priority. Safeguarding your privacy with integrity.

Conclusion & Contact us

CKAY Law Firm is here to support you with your Immigration and Foreigners Law needs in Turkey. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward resolving your legal challenges.

Office Locations and Contact Details

Visit our office in Istanbul or reach out via phone, WhatsApp, or email. We offer multiple channels to ensure easy and convenient communication.

How to Schedule a Consultation

Easy steps to schedule an initial consultation and get started with our legal services. Our legal team is ready to assist you with all your Immigration and Foreigners Law needs in Turkey.


  • Immigration Services Limitation: Please note that CKAY Law Firm only assists with immigration to Turkey. We do not provide immigration services to other countries. Individuals seeking to move to another country from Turkey should contact a law firm in the respective destination country for appropriate legal assistance.
  • Work Permit Requirements: To obtain a work permit in Turkey, immigrants must have a valid job offer or contract from a Turkish employer or company. Without this, we cannot process work permit applications. Securing employment before applying for a work permit is essential to ensure compliance with Turkish immigration regulations.


What is the process for obtaining a residence permit in Turkey?

The process involves submitting an application to the Directorate General of Migration Management, providing necessary documentation such as proof of residence, financial stability, and health insurance, and attending an interview if required.

How long does it take to get a work permit in Turkey?

The processing time for a work permit can vary, but it generally takes 1 to 3 months from the application submission to receive approval.

Can I apply for Turkish citizenship if I am married to a Turkish citizen?

Yes, if you have been married to a Turkish citizen for at least three years and meet other criteria, such as living together and demonstrating financial stability, you may be eligible to apply for Turkish citizenship.

What should I do if my residence permit application is rejected?

If your application is rejected, you can appeal the decision or reapply, addressing the reasons for the rejection. Consulting with an immigration lawyer can help you understand the best course of action.

What are the different types of residence permits available in Turkey?

Turkey offers several types of residence permits, including short-term, long-term, student, family, and humanitarian residence permits. Each type has specific eligibility criteria and application requirements.

Can I convert my short-term residence permit to a long-term residence permit?

Yes, it is possible to convert a short-term residence permit to a long-term residence permit, provided you have legally resided in Turkey for at least six months and meet other eligibility criteria.

What documents are required for a family residence permit application?

For a family residence permit, you typically need to provide proof of family relationship (e.g., marriage certificate, birth certificate), valid health insurance, proof of financial stability, and copies of passports and residence permits of the sponsoring family member.

How can I renew my residence permit in Turkey?

Residence permit renewals must be submitted to the Directorate General of Migration Management before the current permit expires. The renewal application typically requires updated proof of residence, health insurance, financial stability, and other relevant documents.

Are there any specific regulations for students applying for a residence permit in Turkey?

Yes, students must provide proof of enrollment at a Turkish educational institution, proof of sufficient financial resources to cover their stay, valid health insurance, and a valid passport. The student residence permit is typically valid for the duration of the academic program.

Let us help you!

If you need any help, please feel free to contact us. We will get back to you within one (1) business day, or if in hurry, just call us now.

Call : +90 212 356 0350 / +90 533 191 32 11 Mon. – Fri. 08:00-18:00

Immigration & Foreigners Law Consultation
From a Turkish Immigration & Foreigners Law Lawyer

Law is complicate matter. It can cause you a big problem if you ignore it.
Let us help you with your Immigration & Foreigners Law related matters in Istanbul and around Turkey.

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